Friday, April 1, 2011

Crazy Coconut

A Thai young coconut to inspire and to explore.

Still life is a great way to explore motion. I try to remember that life's many filters change our experience and each moment is very much only our own. We strive to be together in what is so heavily individual. Ah, let it be.

I figure if we see the many filters then we can perceive experience without personalizing it, without owning it.

In focus or in blur I like the concept of going beyond that of perception's bounds and navigating through a culmination of all experience, a navigation of the many filters and pictures we can create.

I like to dream up visions and express them vibrantly through all that I do. May it vibrate and reciprocate and maybe one day the change I wish to see in the world will come back to me.

For now, I'm just here with this coconut.

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