Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Changing the Tides

Spring brings a turn in the way we feel and a renewal of seasons.
To honor these changes I feel that our bodies innately urge for us to cleanse, to rinse and repeat without missing a beat. This year Julie and I did our first stab at a juice cleanse. 3 days - great juice.

Day 1 was a deep green concoction. I think it's funny that my biggest urge to resist this cleanse was my worry of energy. Worry about work performance, worry about home life, worry about sense of sense in the usual rhythm and grind of life. Easily these worries are excuses.
I certainly felt that I simultaneously rid myself of some emotional baggage and I did hardly have the energy to face it. However, when we bounce along filled to the brim with excess energy how can we stop to face these things?

Day 2 was a spicy concoction of carrot, grapefruit, ginger, lemon, garlic, and cayenne. It actually was exactly what I wanted at the time, though not a juice to keep for a long time. The longer it sat, the stronger the garlic grew.
It's funny as I found that I didn't suffer from hunger, I did suffer from the wish to chew. Chew on anything, savor flavor of any solid form, there's an interesting oral fixation of which I was unaware.

Day 3 was a sweet green of which my favorite ingredients were the green apple and cucumber. There's a limitless land of wonder that unfolds before those fasting with a juicer.
This is an exercise I am bound to revisit, hopefully to instill into an honoring regimen for good health and good balance of the body.
Cheers to a good serving of juice, hopefully I will serve many before my days are done:

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