Sunday, December 28, 2008

Doting on Daisy

I am feeling the vibrations of the note that resonates within me from The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Youth, most certainly, is not wasted on the young.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Long December and There's Reason to Believe

This to me is a pretty accurate way to show the world the fabric of my holidays in December. I've been driving the bridge, losing concept of time and distance in attempt to make my parents feel my appreciation during the season of giving. Lending myself is the least I can do, I think they really miss my brother in times like these and being there as much as possible helps. In an exhausting way, I have also been struggling for control of composure at Starbucks where the shifts are like waves of challenges that we seem to be losing. A piece to the puzzle is missing and talking about it incessantly only seems to drags things further to sea. I am curious what the tide will brings in.
At Whole Foods, Julie and I found the most peculiar and lovely bouquet of flowers. They have lit up any room and I am determined to fill my life with interesting flowers, cut or photographed. Oh, the brown thumb that I possess shows no signs of gardening. I'm curious if age will bring me more understanding of plants. Understanding of life, perhaps that is what I am searching for. A searching college student, fancy that. A merry Christmas brought together the ends of this disoriented year. I'm curious about next year.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Notes to the Builder

I think that my mind is on the move. Here I am, reasoning with it and it just keeps moving elsewhere, meandering off to anything else of interest to distract me away from studying. One more final...please...
The study of Organization Behavior is very interesting. It certainly is a very applicable to way to view relations all around us and perhaps it is the key to integrating one's way of life into one's way of business.  I see it as a bridge. Yes, I have a test on it in a few hours, but more importantly my ambitions need this bridge in order to find a successful way to do business as I envision it. More specifically, I need this understanding and I certainly do not feel done with this study. Perhaps that is why my mind refuses to comply with the study for a "final exam". At least it isn't comprehensive and keeping this book will then open an opportunity that will be mine to cease if I am diligent. I must break the idea of concepts from classes and apply these concepts to living. I must break the idea that classes are forgotten and text books are sold. I must break the idea that this book is a text with tests and quizzes. I must take all of these broken pieces and build a bridge.
Ok...Last final at 12:30 -- study time.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Preparing for Finals

             The things that can come out of our minds are incredible.

Monday, December 8, 2008


Funny, it isn't until my second to last semester that I learn where to bind things.

The feeling of the week of finals has colors vibrant in the gray daylight. The season of wall is an interesting one, known most likely only to the south. Vibrant and gray. In a light jacket and a sea of thoughts, I chased a blue jay on my way to final number one. Three more, no less no more.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Tis another place to remember.
I love gathering sunlight in pictures of orchids at my parent's house. I am very grateful for the sunlight and the many flowers my dad dotes on in his everyday life.

When I was driving back to Baton Rouge today I saw the most interesting thing. I looked to my left and there was a tall, twisted tree standing alone in the center of a field. Its limbs were bare and as my eyes scanned this tree from top to bottom, I noticed a large bush growing down at the base of the tree. Immediately my mind decided this tree to be a man, a true Adam among nature. How funny to see a tree wearing a bush.