Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Long December and There's Reason to Believe

This to me is a pretty accurate way to show the world the fabric of my holidays in December. I've been driving the bridge, losing concept of time and distance in attempt to make my parents feel my appreciation during the season of giving. Lending myself is the least I can do, I think they really miss my brother in times like these and being there as much as possible helps. In an exhausting way, I have also been struggling for control of composure at Starbucks where the shifts are like waves of challenges that we seem to be losing. A piece to the puzzle is missing and talking about it incessantly only seems to drags things further to sea. I am curious what the tide will brings in.
At Whole Foods, Julie and I found the most peculiar and lovely bouquet of flowers. They have lit up any room and I am determined to fill my life with interesting flowers, cut or photographed. Oh, the brown thumb that I possess shows no signs of gardening. I'm curious if age will bring me more understanding of plants. Understanding of life, perhaps that is what I am searching for. A searching college student, fancy that. A merry Christmas brought together the ends of this disoriented year. I'm curious about next year.

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