Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Changing the Tides

Spring brings a turn in the way we feel and a renewal of seasons.
To honor these changes I feel that our bodies innately urge for us to cleanse, to rinse and repeat without missing a beat. This year Julie and I did our first stab at a juice cleanse. 3 days - great juice.

Day 1 was a deep green concoction. I think it's funny that my biggest urge to resist this cleanse was my worry of energy. Worry about work performance, worry about home life, worry about sense of sense in the usual rhythm and grind of life. Easily these worries are excuses.
I certainly felt that I simultaneously rid myself of some emotional baggage and I did hardly have the energy to face it. However, when we bounce along filled to the brim with excess energy how can we stop to face these things?

Day 2 was a spicy concoction of carrot, grapefruit, ginger, lemon, garlic, and cayenne. It actually was exactly what I wanted at the time, though not a juice to keep for a long time. The longer it sat, the stronger the garlic grew.
It's funny as I found that I didn't suffer from hunger, I did suffer from the wish to chew. Chew on anything, savor flavor of any solid form, there's an interesting oral fixation of which I was unaware.

Day 3 was a sweet green of which my favorite ingredients were the green apple and cucumber. There's a limitless land of wonder that unfolds before those fasting with a juicer.
This is an exercise I am bound to revisit, hopefully to instill into an honoring regimen for good health and good balance of the body.
Cheers to a good serving of juice, hopefully I will serve many before my days are done:

Monday, March 28, 2011

Back Into Rhythm

Marissa peers out into the world.

I too find yellow cut-outs to peer out from behind the silence of heavy thinking in my mind.

It's been a bit of a web silence. Blog silence is simple but having lots in the works but nothing to say is intricate. I feel big changes in the forms of overwhelming inspiration and it's time to shed old layers and unfold the new pretty point of view.

Every shining step is a step forward and this space is my place to celebrate and culminate where i am and where I'm going. Now to talk it out with bouts of pictures and research of the adventures and inspiration that grow is the only part of the plan that I can keep a grip on. I will not let the silence of so many wishes float off as bits of a desert dandelion.

I'll just blow off monotony and fear because the view from right here, right now, this present moment is such a gift in itself, and presents to me such great sights from such great heights. It's just a leap of faith.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Life as a Floating Lotus

I sit here in a waiting room, reflecting on the sights seen and the miles put on my 2007 Honda Civic. Selene the super sassy civic is being loved and honored in whichever way the dealership feels that she should. The many miles have been a great gift and glory in my life. There truly is nothing else like the open road. I was certainly enchanted by the winding west.

I found places with scenes that made my heart wish to scurry into the trees and never return. Maybe just make a left hand turn and run off into the sunset.
We made many turns to see the sights and delay the inevitable arrival of coming or going. The fact that Flagstaff, AZ made my heart come alive with admiration and inspiration even through a phone camera lens and the side of the road blur is certainly worth a mention.

This area came alive after a stretch of plateaus and canyons -- unfolding from bright, arid desert to hilly wooded wonder with snowy peaks and gentle heat to the snow spotted surroundings. This absolutely incensed my imagination and spilled sunshine and inner hope in all directions.

As the scene flashed by I tried to continue taking in the beauty of the scene while simultaneously my mind unfurled and whirled in my dreams.
It brought me back to the roads that I didn't travel, to the places that I didn't go, and to the people who didn't come along for the ride. Turns and exits in a vessel of motion create a mezzanine from which I can view the flow of the expanse of the present that did not flourish. There are childhood friendships lost, classes I could have taken, other colleges I could have attended, other majors chosen, other business decisions made, more recent relationships changed, and altogether many journeys uncharted on the path not taken. I realize that I carry these with me, quite lovingly. They paint each skyline's silhouette with a brilliant potential that the ever unfolding is balanced by that which folds back to allow further growth. Each petal, each fold, each friend, each smile, each place, each ache, and each turn are quite dear to me.

Flowing from within and glowing with my feet up on the dash in the setting sun along the mountainside roads, my mind took the the expanse to wander.
I wandered to the walls of the earthy cafe that almost was. I can feel the wood and breeze of damp Louisiana air from the second floor french doors. I feel in my heart I would have flourished in great service and love with a wholehearted opportunity to offer health and healing. This offering I know without a doubt is where I am headed and I smile at the way life chooses when and where we unfold. Things are not always what they seem and I feel that this was expressed to me as the offer came back to me as my journey had already been charted across the west. These feelings and tides came back to me in the present golden ride as my eyes dreamed their greatest dreams of future ponds to float along.

What beautiful journeys that follow. I see them as clearly as I see this exact point of time. Where I am going is where I am. May the unfolding be brilliant.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Eyes Towards Love

My heart resides in a simpler place than the commotion and bustle of the present. I let myself be present to the tides but rise above with eyes to the skies of my horizon.

I hope to climb past these cycles and I do climb regularly to remind myself of this feeling. Up, up, and above the impermanent.

Let the winds carry my essence of love. Let my offerings unfold as they will.

My love takes me beautiful places.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sights of Night

As the moon set we saw sights that can't possibly be captured with a picture. Perhaps even a careful description will pale to this experience, but I intrinsically trust in the value of the emotion worked and woven between thoughtfully selected words.

Picture this dark night drive led by a setting crescent moon that began to glow a beautiful rust red while it enlarged and set amongst the constantly working fields of wind turbines. These fields along with plane towers were blinking intermittently in the many distinct points of red creating a skyline like a dazzling string of lights beneath a crystal clear dark sky of ever expanding stars.

Such skyline filled eyes along the drive of the night.

Lyrics of the Road

'The seasons have changed from present to past.' - Feist

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hum of the Road

From west to east without missing a beat or a beautiful scene of the open road.

Lots of stops and random pops to amuse. Some gratefully infused with bliss, fancy that.

Yes. Happiness in every bottle.

Beauty in every sky.

Finally, two drinks to cheer safe travels and gratitude of Austin arrivals. May each day and journey be so abundant.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Strange Things Will Happen If You Let Them

Strange places, strange paces are unfolding for me at the moment.

There are old faces in new places and journeys to old places on the horizon.

Amongst it all, the view is incredible.

Life can catch the breeze and harness such energy in each moment.

What a journey.

Here we are. Here we go.