Sunday, September 12, 2010

Enchanted Foods

According to the compass of our home, our kitchen is the area of knowledge and self-cultivation.

To me, that makes sense because once we stocked the kitchen with food and function, the space became a home.

With lots of citrus in the home, I am hoping to finally be pushed to play with the new juicer. For some reason I am overwhelmed to try it out.

However I've certainly had some new culinary adventures. Unsweetened dried coconut is magical atop plain yogurt and fresh strawberries. It ties it all together.

Our most recent stab at buckwheat pancakes was topped with great fresh fruit and a new mixture. Honey, blackstrap molasses, and yogurt combined made quite the delight.

A new magical dish emerged when blackstrap molasses met the tasty goodness of ground turkey and wheat pasta. The combo of garlic, onions, mushrooms, red and yellow bellpeppers, sun dried tomatoes, and a bit of tomato sauce was a culinary adventure for sure.

It's funny how just a few pots and one pan is no limitation to enjoying great satisfaction from cooking food with love. With an abundance of fresh produce and love the ordinary is surpassed daily.

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