Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Whole Adventure

I love the fact that my heart fills with joy at the sight of lovely art.

This bottle of wine wasn't mine to drink, but the art was mine for capturing.

In San Diego Julie and I adventured to Whole Foods and to beaches.

We shook life hard and danced in the sand.

This strange dangling flower reminded me of the distinct beauty of life. It's beautiful presence wad there to be grabbed and shaken. I gently wiggled it a bit to catch better lighting. I can't help to wonder how many times it goes unseen, or how life just becomes part of our own background.

As I write this there certainly is a good handful of more photos to follow from our one inspired day in San Diego. There's video, hooping, and music. Thoughtfully they will unfold and be shared.

My head is filled with so many thoughts. Carefully I will let them clasp with one another to create strings of theories on truth. Every moment is a whole adventure in being and I live with such gratitude for the experiences that embody life's journey.

Nourishment, beauty, and love inspire my existence. I will gladly revisit the memories and be joyful for the revelations that time is sure to bring. Balance ushers in an awareness that was there all along. Just as life's flower dangles in the background, all I need to do is wiggle it bit and catch better lighting. Oh the joys of following the stitches of life's intertwined thoughts on time
existing all at once.

At this very moment my thoughts are dancing between my recently finishing the book Life of Pi and the very clear cuts in the transitioning land to ocean at the beaches of our adventures. In this very moment I wish to keep the images I captured in my mind, blurred into the words of the castaway of the novel. Something about Pi Patel and the marvel of San Diego's pure nature combined is a brilliant burst of imagination. These images are soon to be displayed amongst my words as the thoughts will surely flood me more insistently now. I feel a swell of life rising up and a smile on my face as I am rising to the occasion.

Cheers to great art and the ever coming step forward towards great unfoldings. This whole adventure is one filled with awe. More goodness to come.

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