Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Clarity & Inspiration

Julie got new glasses. I like them very much.

I think it is a neat concept to be able to acquire a new focus on things. It's an interesting concept, for someone with 20/20 vision, to be tested and fitted for clarity. Some clarity is cheap or oddly shaped or simply not fitting for a face. Julie's new frames are open at the bottom so she purchased stronger lenses so that her clarity won't scratch or shatter. No one wants to break their vision. I can't imagine my eyes with bottomless rims.
I love and honor this first happy pair of nice frames.

Shedding a little light on good focus, I decided to bring focus on inspiration for Julie and I. We've put together a day of car adventure.

Here's a list of ingredients:
- water
- orange & grapefruit juice
- a berry smoothie
- magical trail mix
- turkey jerky
- a pb&j
- green apple slices
- guacamole & corn chips
- quinoa & spinach almond pesto
- a tapestry
- a towel
- a frisbee
- Julie's hoola hoop
- my guitar
- camera's & journals
- Bear & Zen

All mixed together and sun baked along the car ride, we will bring focus to our moment.
Seeing the sights will bring clarity to the two of us, fluffy companions and life's tides. All pulled together with minimal money, effort and time brings a smile to my face.

I have gratitude for the abundance of spontaneity and love in my life. Let life's great clarity roll in on the waves.

We let life shine.

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