Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Fauxhèmian Rhapsody

A thought that I have pondered lately is the resurgence in bohemian culture.

I see it in style and in boutique culture and I stop to ponder this.

There is an entire industry geared around capitalizing on capturing an authentic feel in clothing of living eclectically. Of living on a whim of random patterns and alignments.

It reminds me that when I observe my present moment I feel this Bohemia. I see the paycheck living furnished with random accessories and clothing gathered along the way.

I stop to admire the owls.

I feel no soul in this culture that the lavish shoppers wish to reach into. This retail doesn't become part of who they are, it depicts a culture that they wish to experience.

I am humored by this industry inspired by those who make ends out of thrift shops. It brings profits to the artists depicting the randomness that necessity pulls together. Somehow the pure living is lost in translation.

Viva la vie bohème.

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