Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Variations in the independent Variable

I find myself recalling the rules of experiments: In control experiments, if I do recall correctly, variations in the independent variable bring forth the dependent variable which reveals the observed results. I find that life, in itself, can be a constant toying with such experiments and a brilliant array of independent variables and simultaneous results.  I see the work place as a very transparent example. There are people who we love to work with, people who we hate to work with, people who we dislike but still can work well with, and people who we like very much but greatly dislike their work ethic. Furthermore, there are combinations of employees that better foster success and combinations that hinder progress. There can be great combinations that are fantastic individually but together succeed less. I see much of this easily at Starbucks, taking a mental step out of the situation and watching the finely tuned, high speed process at work. However, the actual work of work is not what brought me to this thought, but a more internal aspect of Starbucks that bred thought: my consumption of coffee. You can drink coffee and then move quickly, you can drink coffee and then shake, you can drink coffee and then not really move any faster, and unfortunately you can drink coffee and then feel quite sick. I am tickled by this variation, not necessarily the variation of others but definitely my own personal manipulations and results. There are many levels of caffeine, sugar, sugar substitutes, milk, soy, and water to be played with and also of equal importance, manipulating these in addition to variable food consumption. The results can be great, lack luster or simply a stomach ache to remember.  Today I found myself at a great balance and I chuckled to myself. Today my manipulation of variables worked well, but tomorrow the same plan could be less effective in its results. Ah processes, in application to our everyday lives, bear integration into the way we live -- exemplary of just how curious this life is.

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