Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Harvest

At times I feel that I live in a magical wonderland of cuisine delight. There are always adventurous meals to be had and to create.

Julie's sweet potato and blue cheese soup was incredible. The leeks were fantastic! Not to mention the Whole Foods focaccia that it was paired with.

This leads me to find the beauty in every moment of any meal, even in my water bottle.

Or perhaps a blossom at the bottom of Rebecca's cup.

The meals that are shared don't need to have names or be necessarily authentic. Sometimes to best meal is pulled together by the mere existence of all ingredients at the same time. A sprig of basil will do on just about any dish to let the sun shine.
Considering the time of year and my love for food I've put thought towards how it is that my body best benefits from the food adventures that I enjoy. In light of harvest, I find it necessary to gently remind any foreign travelers that my body is not a home. I feel that I am ushering in a season of concentration and focus that will be enriched by listening to my body.
From a more broad perspective, this all is preparation for the spring and the dynamic needs that the seasons bring.
I honor the Earth and my Kosmic Karma.

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